In a statement released on Thursday morning, Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga says that although the sector's vaccination program has concluded, those who were not able to make it to the vaccination sites will still receive assistance.
More than 500 000 educators and staff have now been vaccinated since the vaccination programme began on 23 June 2021. The initial target was 582 000 with the new target nearing 800 000.
During her visit to the Midrand Firestion's vaccination centre on Thursday morning, Motshega received her second jab of the Pfizer vaccine. She also thanked the Department of Health and all those who participated in the programme to reach 80% of the sector.
I am encouraged with the work done. I thank all the officials from the Department of Health, they were very helpful. I think we have done very well. To be told that we have vaccinated more than 80 per cent of our personnel in the sector that is good news indeed.
Motshekga added that the department was uncertain about reaching 100% of the sector due to hesitance on the part of some participants in the sector.
Additionally, the Department of Basic Education said that those affected by the ongoing unrest in Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng have been advised all those in affected who may have scheduled to be vaccinated to defer their application, as the Electronic Vaccination Data (EVD) system will automatically reschedule their appointment.
Motshega also went on to say that Educators can also benefit from the vaccination programme provided by the Department of Health, of which age-based registration has commenced and that many in the sector who are yet to be vaccinated will benefit.
[MEDIA STATEMENT] Although the vaccination programme in the Basic Education Sector has ended, there is still help available.#VaccineRollOutSA @ElijahMhlanga @ReginahMhaule @HubertMweli
— Dep. Basic Education (@DBE_SA) July 14, 2021