The Department has confirmed that it is working with the Health Department to introduce an in-school vaccination programme and that an official announcement will be made in due course. However, provinces are allowed to launch in-school vaccination programmes in collaboration with their provincial health department.
In November last year, the Department of Basic Education announced that vaccinations were available for children aged 12 and older, an age group which forms a large part of the country's school learners.
During her first media briefing in January, the Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, stated that although schools would not require parental consent to administer these vaccinations, the Department would do its best to work with parents in ensuring that they understand the benefits of getting vaccinated.
Motshekga also pointed out that the Department’s vaccination programme for teachers and support staff contributed to the stability of the sector.
Fewer schools, if any, were closed and reopened due to Covid-19 infections; and the management of cases also improved as a result.
The department has further stated that as learners return to full-time attendance, schools will have to adhere to the regulations listed below:
Wearing of non-surgical face masks by all learners, teachers, non-teaching staff and visitors.
- Face mask breaks for learners (5 – 15 minutes for every 2 hours during the school day where they can safely remove their masks in an outdoor area.
- Washing of hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or using hand sanitisers.
- Placing of 70% alcohol-based hand sanitisers in each classroom, at entrances and exits, and near lunchrooms as well as halls so that sanitising of hands should be done when entering and leaving these venues.
- Maintaining good ventilation by opening doors, windows and/or using fans for air circulation.
- School buildings and equipment must be cleaned thoroughly and regularly by following the environmental health cleaning and disinfection protocols. Household bleach is recommended for this purpose. No fogging and spraying of buildings as part of environment cleaning should be done. Instead, surfaces should be wiped with a wet cloth.
The Minister has also called on teachers and school staff to go for their Johnson & Johnson booster vaccinations, as this will be more effective in protecting them from any further Covid-19 infections.