The Sassa Grant Payment Dates For 2023

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For the past 16 years, Sassa has been administering social grants to millions of individuals that need financial assistance on a monthly basis. The government agency has released its payment schedule for upcoming months.


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Almost 50% of the country’s population benefits from social grants on a monthly basis. The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has been administering social grant payments (for permanent grants) in the first week of the month. 

The national government agency has released the following social grants payment schedule for the first quarter of 2023:

January 2023

  • OLDER PERSONS GRANT: 03/01/2023
  • DISABILITY GRANTS: 04/01/2023
  • CHILDREN'S GRANTS: 05/01/2023

February 2023

  • OLDER PERSONS GRANT: 02/02/2023
  • DISABILITY GRANTS: 03/02/2023
  • CHILDREN'S GRANTS: 06/02/2023

March 2023

  • OLDER PERSONS GRANT: 02/03/2023
  • DISABILITY GRANTS: 03/03/2023
  • CHILDREN'S GRANTS: 06/03/2023

According to Sassa, there is no set payment date for the Sassa Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) grant because it is a temporary grant.

Instead, SRD grant recipients will be notified of their grant payment dates via text message and they also have an option of checking when they can collect their monies on the official SRD grant website.

Sassa has urged recipients of the SRD grant to be patient should they not see their payment dates on the website, as this means that the payment has not yet been processed but it will soon be processed.

There are selected outlets that will provide social grant recipients with Sassa grant payment schedules and also updated information should anything change regarding grants.

Sassa is a key player in the social protection system of South Africa, and its grants and social security programmes help to address some of the most pressing social issues in the country. The agency provides a range of grants, including old-age pensions, disability grants, foster care grants, child support grants among others. These grants provide financial assistance to individuals and families who are most in need and have limited means of support.

Sassa is an important government agency in South Africa, providing critical social security services and grants to vulnerable groups. Its work contributes to the government's efforts to reduce poverty, inequality and social exclusion, and promote social development and economic growth.

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Sassa branch office

If you are a South African citizen who qualifies for a Sassa social grant, then submitting an application is the first step. You will, however, be required to complete and submit an application form and provide supporting documents. 

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