Department To Spend More Than R266 Billion On Sassa Grants

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Billions of rands will be allocated to assisting South Africa's most vulnerable citizens after it was revealed that the most of the Department of Social Development's budget will be for the provision of social assistance. 

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The Minister of Social Development, Sisisi Tolashe believes that the implementation of family strengthening programmes will allow vulnerable individuals to thrive with dignity and safety. Minister Tolashe presented the department's Budget Vote 19 for the 2024/25 financial year on Wednesday.

During the session, Minister Tolashe detailed the progress achieved, future commitments, and budget allocations for the Department of Social Development and its key entities, including the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) and the National Development Agency (NDA).

She also outlined the department's strategic plans for the current financial year and the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

The budget is delivered against the backdrop of an increasingly constrained fiscal environment across the board and this department is no exception. The revenue decline comes at a time when the global economy is experiencing a sharper-than-expected slowdown with inflation higher than in several decades causing a cost of living crisis. 

The minister said budget cuts in the social services sector are impacting their ability to employ social service professionals. They added that the Non-profit sector is also being greatly impacted during this time. 

The central theme of this budget vote was reigniting the role of the family. This focused on the importance of parenting programmes, prevention and early intervention programmes supported by cash transfers provided by the revised white paper on families. 

Through this budget, we want to draw attention to the importance of stretching vulnerable families by providing access to a range of essential support services that build resilience and self-reliance within families.  

Minister Tolashe says the government will take urgent action to assist families who have been affected by natural disasters. They explained that these disasters have been occasioned by climate change and soaring food prices. 

The demand for our services has been made worse by the recent natural disasters which have now become frequent and more devastating than ever before. 

Minister Tolashe quoted Nelson Mandela in an affirmation of their department's goals to tackle poverty in South Africa. 

"Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom."


Budget Allocation For 2024/2015 - 275 billion 

  • Payment Social Grants - R266 billion 
  • National Development Agency - R212 million 

With regard to the 2024/25 financial year, our budget allocation is R275 billion. Of this amount, R266 billion is for the payment of 28 million social grants.

A bulk of the department's budget will be for the provision and administration of social grants. Currently, 28 million people are recipients of Sassa grants including 9 million eligible Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant beneficiaries. 

Currently, social grants are a major source of income for 45% of [the] South African population. 

Minister Tolashe says the results of the 2022 census are indicative of a successful social grant programme as millions of people have been lifted from poverty 

This includes 13.2 million people who are recipients of child support grants and over 4 million people of adults who are receiving old age grants. 

The minister said this has strengthened the department's resolve to continue its work to uplift people from poverty.

Sassa Digitising Operations

Minister Tolashe says Sassa has embarked on a campaign to digitise its operations which is aimed at ensuring that people have seamless access to online services they provide. 

To date, we have piloted queue management systems in 66 Sassa offices nationally [and] we intend to roll out these systems to an additional 45 offices in the current financial year. 

The minister added that 60 self-service kiosks will be installed at local offices allowing beneficiaries easy access to Sassa services. 

The cornerstone of these initiatives is the business process re-engineering which involves the integration of cutting-edge digital technologies, streaming operations, enhancing efficiency and leveraging digital tools to redefine service delivery standards. 

Extension of SRD Grant And BIG Plans 

Minister Tolashe says the extension of the SRD grant’s implementation until March 2024 has provided the government with an opportunity to finalise the draft policy on basic income support. 

They say this draft policy will be tabled in cabinet during the 2024/2025 financial year. 

This forms part of our social security reforms towards establishing the comprehensive social security system and vision in the National Development Plan. 

National Development Agency 

The National Development Agency received a budget allowance of R212 million to implement its programmes. 

The minister says they instructed the NDA’s board to implement its strategy as well as the new operating model with a special focus on resource mobilisation. 

Gender-Based Violence 

The minister acknowledged the Gender VIolence crisis in South Africa which often leads to fractured relationships emotional trauma and lasting effects on children, victims and family members. 

As a country, we are implementing the National Strategic Plan on Gender Based Violence and Femicide which is intact on six pillars. 

These pillars are 

  1. Accountability, Coordination and Leadership
  2. Prevention and Rebuilding the Social Cohesion,
  3. Justice, Safety and Protection
  4. Response, Care, Support and Healing
  5. Economic Power
  6. Research and Information Management.

Minister Tolashe says the DSD is leading on pillar four which talks about Response, Care, Support and Healing while contributing to the others. 

Our efforts this year are on the expansion of shelters, Khuseleka One Stop Centre and the provision of psychosocial support services. I have received a full briefing on the 

They added that work is being done to strengthen operations to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness.  

Gender-based violence command centre and we are strengthening the operations to make it more efficient and effective. 

Response To HIV Infections 

Minister Tolashe acknowledged that HIV infections remain prevalent among young people. To combat this, the Department will upscale its efforts on prevention and social behaviour change programmes.

Support For People Living With Disabilities.

The minister revealed that a policy for people living with disabilities is set to be implemented. 

In realising their inclusion and ensuring that their rights are promoted and protected, a policy on social development services for persons with disabilities will be implemented. 

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Sassa talking about grants

Millions of people require support in the form of social grants from Sassa. The agency has outlined its plans to ensure they assist vulnerable people in need. 

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