It goes without question that there would a lot of anxiety amongst those who are waiting to receive their matric exam results and that for some, the moments after receiving their Matric results are anxiety-filled as well.
Clinical Psychologist, Khosi Jiyane says that there is a variety of factors that form part of these difficult emotions amongst learners, some of which include, parental aspirations, peer pressure and a high level of optimism.
She adds that there are some who may have already resigned themselves to the possibility of failure based on how they experienced the disruptive exam period.
Jiyane advises that parents should pay close attention to their children’s emotional state while they wait for their results and how they respond upon receiving unfavourable results.
According to Jiyane, disappointment would at least be that, despite having failed, they are invested in their efforts to succeed and had confidence in themselves, whereas the opposite reaction would be a major cause for concern since it would mean that they are disengaged.
She further points out that it is just as important to anticipate disappointment which is where a supportive role becomes important in containing that disappointment.
The clinical psychologist also emphasizes the importance of being realistic and consistent when pursuing goal for those starting their matric journey in 2022.
It's also important for Matrics to remember that getting bad Matric results is not the end of the world and there is still a second chance with Matric rewrites and such.
The day of receiving your Matric results can be a very overwhelming day for so many reasons. Should Matriculants need help or find that their mental health is being affected, the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) is always available to assist.
You can reach SADAG by dialing 0800 12 13 14.