Matric Exams


Hey Matrics, 

As you head into your Matric exams, know that we at the Careers Portal are rooting for you! We fully support you and one of the ways we would love to show you our support is by providing you with helpful resources to assist you along your journey. 

The Careers Portal provides resources dedicated to making your matric year easier. We want to make sure that all students have an easy and convenient way to gain access to the resources they need in order to succeed during their exams.

You’ll be able to find everything you need from matric rewrite, matric results, study guides, matric past papers, to tips, advice and more

With Matric exams looming, desperate learners and students who feel that cheating may be their only shot at passing should reconsider, and not only for ethical reasons, an education expert says. Here's what you should do instead of cheating on your Matric exam.

Woza Matrics has officially launched today. The Department of Basic education launched this programme to help matric learners catch up with school work. Classes will be broadcast on TV channels, online platforms and radio. 


With your finals looming on the horizon, you should probably be thinking about revising your work. But it can be difficult, so here are some revision tips for all you Matrics out there.

After your Matric results are released and learners now know their results, some will be accepted at their respective institutions. Meanwhile, other Matrics would have received results that they are not satisfied. Here's the options available to you to make sure you still have a chance at getting into your dream institution.

Siyavula is everything Math and Science. It is an online practice programme, ready to assist you if you are a high school student or currently doing matric. Siyavula is the perfect programme to keep you prepared and ready for your exams.

If you want to rewrite Matric or improve on your matric results but aren't sure how many times you will be able to write, we are here to help.

With little more than two weeks of the Matric final exams left, an education expert has warned learners to keep the focus right to the end, because what lies ahead could still mean the difference between make or break.


The Department of Basic Education has released the first titles in the series called Mind the Gap study guides for Grade 12 learners.

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Post-Matric Options


After completing your matric certificate exams, you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths.

These options range from pursuing higher education at universities or colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


Where to Study

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General News

Getting your first ID in South Africa is the catalyst for many important things in your life. Here's the requirements for getting your first ID. 



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