High School



Are you currently in high school? Find everything you need for grades 8 to 12 under this section. Simply scroll down.

High school is such a fun and rewarding time in a students life. Although it may not seem like it at first, your high school years play a vital part in shaping you. 

Need advice on bullying? Need motivation? Need guidance? Need exam preparation resources? Need advice on how to revise effectively? Need to find out what you can become with the subjects you take in high school? Need to know about job shadowing? All of this can be found below. 

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The Answer Series provides useful study guides for high school learners in grades 8 to 12. Grade 12 learners can now access free video lessons on the Answer Series website.

Choosing grade ten subject can be daunting for learners but it's an important decision that needs to be taken. Most learners look to their parents for guidance.


As Matric learners all over the country prepare to write their final exams in a few weeks, this is a good news story of what can be achieved through tenacity, dedication, focus and hard work. Forty-eight bright young students in Grade 11 have achieved a remarkable 262 distinction (an average of 5,5 each) for their IGCSE exams – and a record-breaking 97.7% aggregate average, the highest ever achieved at Reddam House Durbanville.

Being a student is one of the most exciting times in your life. Like every student, you want to do your best and do well. But how can you achieve success?

The transition from Grade Nine to Grade Ten marks an important and eventful time in a student’s educational trajectory. One of the critical aspects of this transition is characterised by the selection of subject streams – coming up for all Grade Nines in the next few weeks – that essentially determine future study and career options, as well as a student’s performance in Matric. 

To be successful in high school and college or university, you need to choose subjects that suit your strengths and interests, but also ones that you plan to use later on in life. Here are some tips to help you make this important decision.

Not all schools in South Africa provide job shadowing for you to discover what a typical day is like in your chosen profession. In this article we will give you a few pointers on what you could do if job shadowing isn't accessible to you.

Essay writing is about a very structured approach to creating an argumentative or persuasive piece of writing. Here are some top tips to help you grasp the art of essay writing.

If you're a college student, then you’ve probably had to write an essay at some point during your education. Essay writing is an important to skill to grasp if you want to succeed in your academics, so here are some top tips and tricks.

Is your child in Grade 7 or currently in high school, however, you need to apply to a new high school and are not sure which steps to take? Well, here is what you need to know.

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Post-Matric Options


We helped you with past papers for your matric exams, so hopefully you are happy with your Matric results. So now you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths. You might want to study law, teaching, or nursing. Of course studying is expensive so we have helpful advice about student loans, NSFAS bursaries, Fundi loans, ISFAP, and lots of other funding options.

These options range from pursuing higher education at universities , TVET Colleges or  private colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


Latest SASSA articles

The R370 grant is aimed at assisting unemployed adults living in South Africa. Here's the R370 grant eligibility criteria.. 

Knowing when you social grant will be paid is extremely helpful as it allows for planning. Here's a guide on how to find you Sassa grant payment dates. 

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Applying for your Smart ID Card has gotten even easier as you can now apply online via e-Home Affairs. Here is how to apply, upload documents and pay for your application all from the comfort of your own home.



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