Central Johannesburg TVET College Registrations Now Open

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Registrations for the 2021 academic year are now open at Central Johannesburg TVET College. All students are encouraged to register online, remotely.

Registrations for the 2021 academic year are now open at Central Johannesburg TVET College

All students are encouraged to register online, remotely. This is in line with the Department of Higher Education and Training. It is also in compliance with the COVID-19 protocols, as well as the Alert Level 3 Lockdown restrictions. 

How To Register Online

  1. Click here to start.
  2. Click on “Student”
  3. Key in your “Student Number”
  4. Key in your 5 number pin that you created previously
  5. Click on “Login”
  6. On the left of the screen there will be Student iEnabler tab and underneath there will be sub systems. You need to click on the “Academic Registration”
  7. Click on “Rules and Regulations”. Read the Registration Rules and
  8. Click on “I Accept” on the Right side of the screen.
  9. Click on: “Submit Registration”
  10. Make sure that the Qualification that you Applied for and confirmed with the campus is displayed on the screen. (If it is not the correct Qualification, please rectify with the Campus administration before you continue)
  11. Complete the “Employment Status”
  12. Click on “Save and Continue”
  13. On the next screen, all Subjects for the Qualification is automatically selected. Click on “Save and Continue”
  14. The following will appear on the next page: List of subjects you are registered for, Mode of Study, Academic Period & Attendance Type. Should the subjects not be correct you need to see the data capturer at the campus.
  15. Click on: “Continue”
  16. On the next page you can view the Registration Cost. You have an option to “Restart the Process” or “Print the Cost Details” before you Accept the Registration.
  17. Lastly click on: “Accept Registration”
  18. Your registration is now complete

The college has provided limited access to students who are struggling to register remotely, to their resource centres at our various campuses. The no mask, no entry policy, as well as other COVID-19 related restrictions will apply.

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