Will ISFAP Fund Me If I Get SASSA Money?

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ISFAP is the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme, a bursary scheme that is targeted towards the missing middle. A question you might be asking is if they will fund you if you are a SASSA beneficiary, here's the answer.


ISFAP provides bursaries to missing middle students as funding for this category of students is a continuing issue. However, do they fund students who receive SASSA money?

When you fall under the missing middle label, it means that you're considered too rich to qualify for funding from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) but too poor to afford to pay for your fees yourself. This is where ISFAP can help.

ISFAP focuses its bursaries towards students from the “Missing Middle” category comprising joint household annual incomes of between R350 000 to R600 000.

Therefore, households which have benefited from SASSA grants and fall within the missing middle threshold will qualify for ISFAP funding. 

ISFAP funds all students who meet the online application requirements and their needs analysis process; further determined by performance in matric and within the ambit of available funding.

You will qualify for the funding depending on the following:

  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Learning materials (calculator, textbooks, learning material)
  • Living allowance/pocket money
  • Non-academic student support (project manager; tutorial support; life support; admin support; life skills training; staff mentors).

The programme does a household means test for all applying students. Academic criteria and registration may vary for different institutions, however, include the National Benchmark test, matric results and funder constraints.

Visit the ISFAP website for more information on the ISFAP bursary.

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Are you part of the missing middle and you're looking for a bursary? The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme has your back. They provide bursaries that go beyond just your fees.

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