The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is a multi-year programme that promotes teaching in public schools. Full-cost bursaries are available to enable eligible students to complete a full teaching qualification in an area of national priority.
Recipients of these bursaries will be required to teach at a public school for the same number of years that they receive the bursary.
The bursary is only awarded to South African citizens and will only be awarded if one of the priority area specialization subjects is included as a teaching subject in the qualifications.
Applications must only be made once students have been allocated a valid student number and have been accepted/ provisionally accepted at their university of choice.
Funza Lushaka Bursary Applications
Applications must be made online at
Go to the Funza Lushaka website for further information at
What do you think?
Would you like to get a Funza Lushaka bursay to pay for your studies? Do you see the value in being a teacher?
Give us your comments below.
To access, register and apply for the Funza Lushaka Bursary ONLINE