Bronwyn Newman


bronwyn newmanBronwyn has been a stalwart of Portal Publishing since 2007. She has forgotten more about skills and careers advice than most people will ever know! One of the earliest employees of the company, Bronwyn covers many areas including the Skills Portal training directory, the Careers Portal Learnership and internship listings, and much more. She has written about many different topics and companies - like Absa.

She is also the founder of Rescue A Young Life, an organisation which assists anyone struggling with mental health. 

Connect with Bronwyn on LinkedIn.

Bronwyn's Articles:

Do you want to work for First National Bank (FNB)? Let us walk you through the process of how to apply to work at FNB.

What does a Carpenter do?

A carpenter is a skilled craftsperson who works in the construction and cabinet making industry. They fabricate all sorts of wood construction projects such as erecting building frames, roofs, floors and customising kitchens. Do you like building or creating things with wood? Do you have an eye for detail, and like to be precise in what you're doing? Then a career as a carpenter could be right for you.

Are You Interested In A Career In Marketing? What Is Marketing about?

Marketing is a career that refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service.

As the Matric class of 2024 settle into the rhythm of their classes and exams, an education expert has warned them not to become complacent, but instead to knuckle down and give it their best sustained effort right until the end. Here are some words of motivation for the matric class of 2024.

Shoprite is a company that focuses on employing and training many young people in their branches.  They are many advantages to working for a large corporate company rather than a small business.  If you want to work at one of South Africa's leading retail stores then just before the busy festive season is exactly the right time to apply.

Afrikaans Papers for Matrics. Past papers are a great way to prepare for your exams, so check them out below!

Do you want to save lives? Have you always dreamt of becoming a firefighter? Well, it is time to help you make that dream a reality. This is how you can become a firefighter in South Africa.

What does a Welder do?

A Welder permanently joins pieces of metal through welding processes, of which there are many. In addition to fusing metals, a welder also repairs metal parts, as well as grinds and solders materials. Sometimes a welder will spend the day cutting, shaping, and combining materials to make different parts for a variety of industries, for e.g. construction, engineering, automobile, or aerospace fields.

According to the traffic training policy, one has to first apply for a post in the local media before being registered at an academy. Below is information in this regard.

Visit ABSA's jobs portal to search and apply for available positions across Africa.

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Post-Matric Options


We helped you with past papers for your matric exams, so hopefully you are happy with your Matric results. So now you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths. You might want to study law, teaching, or nursing. Of course studying is expensive so we have helpful advice about student loans, NSFAS bursaries, Fundi loans, ISFAP, and lots of other funding options.

These options range from pursuing higher education at universities , TVET Colleges or  private colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


Latest SASSA articles

The R370 grant is aimed at assisting unemployed adults living in South Africa. Here's the R370 grant eligibility criteria.. 

Knowing when you social grant will be paid is extremely helpful as it allows for planning. Here's a guide on how to find you Sassa grant payment dates. 

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