When Will 2023 National Benchmark Test Registration Close?

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2023 registrations for the National Benchmark Test, commonly known as the NBTs, are now open. So until when do you have to before registrations close?

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The National Benchmark Test (NBT) is an admission requirement at many South African universities and is a measure of  a student's academic readiness for higher education. Some university acceptances depend on this test.

There are two tests prospective students can do: the Academic and Quantitative Literacy (AQL) test, and the Mathematics test (MAT). The AQL test assesses a student's ability to understand and analyse complex written texts, while the Mathematics test measures proficiency in basic mathematical concepts.

Registration for the NBTs are now open for 2023 for those wanting to study in 2024 but when do they close?

Well, NBT closing dates go according to the test dates so there isn't one single closing date. Refer to the table below to find registration closing dates:

NBT Test Dates Last Day To Register
13 May 23 April
20 May 30 April
3 June 14 May
10 June 21 May
11 June 21 May
24 June 4 June
1 July 11 June
2 July 11 June
8 July 18 June
15 July 25 June
16 July 25 June
22 July 2 July
29 July 9 July
12 August 23 July
13 August 23 July
19 August 30 July
26 August 6 August
9 September 20 August
16 September 27 August
30 September 10 September
7 October 24 September
14 October 24 September
25 November 5 November
2 December 12 November
6 January 10 December

The first test will take place on 13 May and the last will be held on 6 January 2024. A university will want you to write the AQL test and only some courses will require you to write the MAT test as well.

How To Register For The NBTs

Registrations must be done online using the NBT website. Here's how:

  1. Go to the NBT website
  2. Click on 'Click here to book your NBT test date'
  3. Click on 'Book a test'
  4. Fill in the required information
  5. Choose a test and venue
  6. Complete the survey
  7. Pay for the test

You will need to pay to write the test. If you're writing the AQL only, it will cost you R145 and if you're writing both the AQL and MAT, it will cost R290. Should you request a remark, it will cost an extra R250.

 The test scores are used by universities to determine whether a student requires additional support or intervention to succeed in their chosen qualification. 


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NBT Exam

Individuals planning to study further at a tertiary education institution will need to write a National Benchmark Test to complete their application and be accepted. The NBT test dates for 2024 are now available.

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