Sassa News: Child Grant Payment Dates For Rest Of 2024

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Millions of people are currently benefitting from child support grants offered by Sassa. The grant payment agency has confirmed the payment dates for child support grants for 2024. 

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Sassa News - Child Support Grant Payment Dates

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has already confirmed the grant payment dates for the entirety of 2024. This includes when beneficiaries of the Child Support Grant, Foster Child Grant and Child Support Grant Top-Up will be paid.

The Child Support Grant, also known as a children's grant assists low-income families to cover the basic needs of their children. In South Africa, a child is considered anyone under the age of 18.

Child Support Sassa Grant Payment Dates For The Rest Of 2024

  • 6 June 2024
  • 4 July 2024
  • 6 August 2024
  • 5 September 2024
  • 4 October 2024
  • 7 November 2024
  • 5 December 2024

You can apply for the grant if you are the child's primary caregiver, which can be a parent, grandparent, or anyone else who is mainly responsible for the child's well-being.

To qualify for the Child Support Grant, both you (the caregiver) and the child must meet certain criteria. Sassa will assess your eligibility through a means test, which considers your income.

The caregiver must be a South African citizen or permanent resident.

Earn R61,200  or less per year if single. If married, your combined income must be under R122,400 per year. 

If not the child's biological parent, provide proof of being the primary caregiver. This could include an affidavit from a police officer or the biological parent, a social worker's report, or a letter from the child's school principal.

The child must be under 18 years old, not be in the care of a state institution and live with the primary caregiver, who is not paid to look after the child.

Both the child and caregiver must live in South Africa and you cannot receive the grant for more than six non-biological children or if someone else is already receiving a grant for the child.

How to Apply For The Child Support Grant 

Visit your nearest Sassa office to apply for the grant. You will need to fill out an application form with a SASSA officer. The application is free, and you will receive a receipt upon completion.

Required Documents For Child Support Grant Applications 

  • Your South African ID
  • The child's birth certificate (with a valid ID number)
  • Proof of income (salary slips, bank statements, pension slips, etc.)
  • If unemployed: Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) card or discharge certificate from your previous employer.
  • If not the child's parent/guardian: Written permission from the parent/guardian and proof of attempts to get child support from the biological parents.
  • Proof that you are the child's primary caregiver.

Sassa Grant Payment

If approved, you will receive R530 per month, per child. 

You can choose your preferred payment method during the application process. Options include cash payout on specific dates, electronic bank deposit, retail merchant collection and cash send services.

You can change your payment method later, but it will only take effect after a month. 

Sassa Appeals and Grant Termination

You can appeal a rejected application. If your appeal is successful, you can receive backdated payments for up to 3 months.

The grant payment stops when the child turns 18, misses claiming for 3 months, leaves the country, enters a state institution, or passes away.

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