Despite the fact that having a job can be a significant distraction, it can actually have a positive influence on your studies, as you would be able continue affording your studies. It's all about setting priorities.
On the other side, pushing oneself too far can result in fatigue and poor performance. Before deciding to work while attending university or college, there are numerous factors to take into account.
To help you decide, here are some pros and cons:
Source of Income
With student employment, you will be able to take care of yourself and minimize the financial pressure on your family. You could use the extra to cover bills, help with housing costs, and other daily needs.
Head-start on Working Experience
Your job experience on your CV can make you stand out to potential employers if you have been working while you have been in school. Another benefit of choosing a part-time job in the business you want to thrive in is the opportunity to network and interact with professionals who have experience in the field. This will allow you to form useful connections that may one day help you land a better full-time position.
Easier To Adapt
Having experience in the working world will definitely help you adapt better once you've secured a job. You will find it simpler to fit into a work culture having past experience because you'd be more familiar with the roles and procedures of an organization.
Whereas other students who have had no working experience would struggle with the expectations and procedures in the working environment.
Working throughout the day and studying at night might seriously disrupt your sleep cycle and increase your stress levels. Part-time work may feel like a burden when you approach exam times and are forced to study more intensively.
If you feel as though you cannot handle stress, then maybe working part-time is not for you.
Lack of Time
Scheduling and shift work are often used in part-time work, and these can change. For instance, you might be unexpectedly asked to fill in for a coworker on a day when you had intended to study. This would result in you neglecting your studies and poor academic performance, as not enough time is being invested in your studies.
While this is undoubtedly an issue in the long run, if you have students and coworkers who are sympathetic to your condition and are willing to assist you with note-taking or shift work, it might be manageable in the short term.
No Time to Socialize
Is it possible to have a healthy social life while working and studying? Social gatherings sometimes have to be put on hold when working and studying simultaneously. Your social life might not always be able to fit in with your top priorities.
Now that you are aware of some of the pros and cons, what do you think?